YIPPEE.....It's HOWL-O-WEEN! One of my favorite days of the year....cuz us Pups get to dress up like
And glow in the dark Skeletons......BOO! Did I scare you?

READ ON my friends........
Posted by Thomas Dock on October 29, 2014 at 10:23pmView Blog
In a little less than 48 hours from now, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of kids will take to their neighborhoods in a wide variety of costumes, all in a quest for miniature chocolate bars, lollipops and other sweet candies. "Trick or Treat" night is an annual celebration rooted in antiquity and a popular holiday among kids and adults alike. I am sure that many of you have incredible costumes planned, exciting parties to attend and, hopefully, just the right level of scariness. Most of us truly enjoy this holiday....but what about our furry companions? How do our dogs and cats feel about ghosts, ghouls and spooky jack - o - lanterns?
There are four main concerns that we have when it comes to Halloween and our pets: First, the potential dangers of what ends up in the trick or treat bags; second, how some Halloween decorations are cause for concern; third, how will your pet react to the legions of witches, vampires and werewolves, and finally, should your pets endure costumes for our enjoyment?
Most everyone is aware that chocolate is a concern for dogs and there will certainly be bagfuls at lots of homes across the country. Chocolate contains the chemical, theobromine, which, in the right amounts can cause heart arrhythmia, hyper-salivation, hyper-activity, seizures and even GI upset. Thankfully, the good news is that most of the chocolate found in a typical Trick or Treater's haul is milk chocolate, which contains much less of the theobromine than baking chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate or dark chocolate. Still, it's best to keep your canine friend away from the loot...enough milk chocolate can still cause problems, especially for smaller dogs. If you suspect your dog has eaten chocolate, try to find the wrappers and determine what kind and how much, then call your veterinarian!
And, it's not just the chocolate sweets...the sticks from lollipops, foil wrappers and other items can cause an upset stomach or possibly even an obstruction or perforation. With the popularity of parents providing "allergy-safe" treats at homes with teal colored pumpkins, it's important to remember that those stickers, pencils or super bouncy balls may smell similar to candies they have been mixed with and many pets may think of them as just another treat to eat!
The increasing popularity of the Halloween holiday has lead to an explosion of extremely frightening decorations and ways to make your home (or party) as spooky as possible. While most of these are pretty safe, remember that the fake spider webs could be tempting to your feline friends, leading to a linear foreign body and an emergency surgery! Candles inside of jack - o - lanterns or used for decorations can be knocked over by spooked pet, so please place them carefully where fire danger is minimized.
The excitement of the day may be too much for even the best-behaved dog. Constant visitors to the door as well as the spooky sights and sounds may cause some pets to become fearful, These pets could run away and become injured in a variety of ways. Consider allowing your dog to spend Halloween in his own special place inside with special treats, safe and secure from the goblins. Even if you have a fenced yard, Halloween is definitely not a good night for your dog to be outside without supervision and restraint.
Costumes on people can be equally scary to pets. Masks, large hats, and other costume accessories can confuse pets and may even trigger territorial instincts. It is not unusual for pets to act protective or be fearful of people in costumes, even if they normally are very social with that person.
Last, but not least, let's chat about pets and costumes. The plethora of pictures showing dogs dressed up as lions, Great Danes painted to look like Holstein cows and even some cats with angel wings leads many people to believe that our pets LOVE this kind of activity. In reality, some pets are just never going to be comfortable in anything other than their "birthday suit." When considering whether to dress up your pet, think of the following:
Avoid using rubber bands or anything that can possibly constrict circulation or breathing
Nothing on your pet's costume should be edible.
Avoid using any toxic paints or dyes
Don't force your pet ... if he or she fights in any way, leave the costume idea alone!!
For more info on pets, you can read Tom Dock's Blog at http://community.petpalstv.com/xn/detail/3304610:BlogPost:113995 And I'm proud to endorse him! Oh...and PSSSSTTTTTT......Tell him Travelin' Jack sent you!

Happy Howloween everyone!
Doggy Hugs and Slurpy Kisses