Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pet Blogger Challenge

OK....I agreed to do this for Travelin' Jack.... he told me that if there were no bones in it for him.....furr-get about it!  So 1) I agreed to give him a bone for his answers and 2) I agreed to type it up for him while he is happily chomping away....here goes for the 1st time Pet Challenge Blogger

Challenge Questions #1: For bloggers who haven’t participated before

1. When did you begin your blog?  August 2009

2. What was your original purpose for starting a blog?  Introduce moi....Travelin' Jack to New Mexico...as the up-and-coming Pet Travel Reporter...reporting on pet friendly locations, where to go, things to do and tips for traveling with your pet.

3. Is your current purpose the same?  Yes, although it has also expanded to including pieces on pet safety, animal welfare education and some pet product endorsements. 

If so, how do you feel you’ve met your goals? We've gone down roads we never imagined....dog-literally......WAY beyond our original goals.  It's been a fun adventure down every winding path, even though my paws are tired from all that walkin'.

4. Do you blog on a schedule or as the spirit moves you?  Sort of as the spirit moves me., sort of on schedule.   I do one or two a week...the day of week can vary depending on my dog-mood, my crazy busy dog schedule and of course the whims of my person...Jill.

If the former, how often — and what techniques do you use to stick to it? First I like to dog-cide my topic.  Then I go through my photo gallery to pick out some favorite photos of MOI..the travelin' dog.  Then I always (or almost always) write it first thing in the morning, right after I've eaten my morning pooch cereal.....sharp mind ya know!

If the latter, do you worry about… well, whatever you might worry about (e.g. losing traffic, losing momentum)?

5. Are you generating income from your blog?  Not yet...but Jill has been fussin' at me about getting some sponsors...so we think that will come in 2012. 

If so, how (e.g. sponsor ads, affiliate relationships, spokesperson opportunities)?

If not currently, do you hope to in the future — and how?  It will dog-definitely come if there are some tasty bones added into the bargain!

6. What do you like most about blogging in general and your blog in particular (bragging is good!)?  I LUV knowing that all my fans....in New Mexico, in the US and even beyond these great borders...can follow my pup-ventures...and they can get a chuckle from my photos....maybe a few aaaawwwws along the way too!  It also let's me tell the world about my upcoming events too!

7. What do you like least?  Finding the time....I AM a working pup after all!  And then also justifying the time it takes to write a doggone serious blog.  You know...for every minute I am workin' away on the computer...that's one less person that I can give a Jack-Smack to....(kiss for those of you not in the know!)

8. How do you see your blog changing/growing in 2012?  Hopefully with paid sponsors...and more followers. I LUV followers and fans!  And this dog has a lot more tales/tails to tell...er bark about!  Stay tuned for more Travelin' Jack adventures in 2012!  You can also follow me on my website http://www.travlinjack.com/ 
Doggie Hugs & Slurpy Kisses!


  1. I enjoyed stopping by to meet you, Travelin' Jack!

    Here's to more adventures in 2012!

    Keep on wagging,
    your fellow dog-traveler,

  2. Stopping by from the hop - nice to meet you! :)

  3. Wiggling by from the hop. Was nice to meet you and your person Jill at Blog Paws. Hope to see more of New Mexico through your blog.

  4. Hi Jack - I met you and your mom at BlogPaws. You are quite the celebrity! Good luck in your travels!

  5. I'm waiting to see you replace that stupid gnome on travelocity. Why not shoot for the top, Jack?

  6. How great to see you here, Travelin' Jack! It's good to know that you haven't run out of bones there in New Mexico. We have to try to get back though there and meet up with you one of these days. Thanks for participating in the Challenge, and happy trails to ya.

    1. Hi-Ho Amy.....doggie hugs to you! thanks for chiming in....gotta go...Jill's got the motor revving for another adventure here in New Mexico....keep on followin me purr-tee please! (that was a fake purr ya know!)

  7. We found you through the pet blogger challenge...hope you can find more sponsors and followers in 2012. This is our first visit here, but you can chalk up 1 follower. All the best in 2012!

  8. Colby...THANKS for tagging us! We love other bloggers too...and your Puppy Training and blogger challenge have some GREAT info! Looking forward to seeing you around....both on internet and in dog-person!
