It was another pup in need at the dog hospital. And so they called ME----Travelin' come to the rescue! So off we went to Veterinary Emergency Specialty Center of New Mexico!
You see I-Travelin' Jack...besides all my travels and writings...and places I go to...and things I do....I am a "BONE-IFIED" Canine Blood Donor!
"WHAT?" you are probably saying about now. And then you would follow that up with "Do dogs donate blood?" And the answer would be "Your doggone right.....dogs can be blood donors...and so can cats!" Why my 4-footed furry cousins have to have surgery...and sometimes that requires extra it's very dog-portant to have a good supply of healthy blood available in those emergencies.
You see.....I learned about this the hard way.....way back in 2010 when I had to have surgery on my torn CCL. And I went to the good specialists at VESCNM.....Dr. Schwarz was my angel surgeon then. While I was there having surgery...I saw the "WALL OF HEROES" there.....and that's when I learned that you can get ON that wall of heroes by becoming a Canine Blood Donor. So....soon's I was out of surgery....and not groggy-goofy any more (I know I am still goofy...but that's just the Bulldog in me after all!).....I put my paw on the dotted line and signed on to be one of New Mexico's Canine Blood Donors.
But I dogress.....back to today! So...I got the call....Jill and I jumped in the car and headed right over to the hospital....and in I give some of my healthy blood to a canine cousin in need. It's no big deal....sometimes they give me a little sedative....sometimes not...just depends on how much energy I have that day. They draw some blood and put it right into that poor little pup in the Operating Room. Simple as that! I get some goodies to take home......sometimes it's a toy, sometimes it's a bandanna, sometimes it's a doggy biscuit or two...and sometimes it's ALL of the above!
Today...I got a snazzy bandanna and a whole bunch of doggie treats....Thanks Mr. Brian! He's the Blood Donor Tech at the hospital...and he takes good care of me when I come. I'm doggone proud to be a blood donor. It's easy, it's painless....and I'm helpin' out my buddies. BUT...there's more to it than just that!
They have a whole list of benefits that I get from it too! If you check out this link to their can find out interesting stuff
Here are SOME of the Benefits
- All potential donors will receive free blood analysis
- Canine preliminary testing consists of blood typing, Ehrlichia, heartworm, Babesia gibsoni and Babesia canis for some breeds, CBC full chemistry panel and blood typing.
- Results will be forwarded to your pet’s primary care veterinarian.
- If your pet meets the qualifications for becoming a blood donor, we will schedule four donations each year.
- For each unit of blood donated, your pet will be entitled to receive a unit if needed during its lifetime.
- Your pet will also receive a gift bag at each donation as our way of saying Thank You.
And everybody thinks you are a Canine Good Citizen too! Which isn't a bad thing either.
Now that I have shared the benefits of this program with wanna sign up and be a Canine Blood Donor too, don't you? Well, just go back to that website link above....and the registration form is right there.....fill it out...send it in and VOILA! You'll get that first call to come for a check up. After they confirm you are ALL HEALTHY....(and they send that info to your primary veterinarian too!), they'll give you a call to come in. But HEY...don't forget to take a picture of you in too! You'll be added to that special Wall of Heroes! Go it! You know you wanna, don't you? are wondering why I entitled this blog post....A NEGATIVE EXPERIENCE CAN BE A POSITIVE! Lesson #2 of being a Canine Blood Donor.
DOGS CAN HAVE EITHER NEGATIVE OR POSITIVE BLOOD TYPE. I just happen to have a Negative Blood Type...and that means....MY blood is more needed. It's Universal...and can be donated to either a positive or a negative receiver. Where positive blood can only be donated to a positive blood dog! SEE? You always knew I was special didn't ya! There's even proof in my blood!
For now....I hope you learned something today. That being NEGATIVE really can be a PAWSITIVE! So that's your lesson for the week. Next week...I'll be ready to "HIT THE ROAD JACK" somewhere else very dog-citing! So tune in again very soon!
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